Whiplash Audio – 模組化耳機線 Modular System

Whiplash 原廠 給了 Modular System (模組化耳機線) 一個非常好的介紹

提供一個新的方式客製化您的線材, 不需砸重金買整條線, 就可以方便簡單換線..
The new way to custom build your cable system with any wire choice and also allow you easily to interchange your cable without buying an entirely new cable.

簡單來說… 玩家燒友們的耳機一定不只一隻… 當你有 SE846 (MMCX) 同時又有 VE6 (CM) 的時候… 您就需要2條耳機升級線, 摸摸口袋…這樣也未免太傷荷包了. 於是 Whiplash 設計出模組化耳機線, 讓換升級線更經濟. 例如當您增加新的耳機 / 甚至購入最新款的播放器.. 接頭 / 插針 都不盡相同的時候. 您只需要購入您需要的部分, 就可以保留原有的線繼續使用. 這就是 Modular System (模組化耳機線) 的開發精髓.
同時擁有多款耳機, 也可以輕鬆換線連結您所有裝置.
Today, there are so many different models of headphones to choose from. Everyday there seems to be the a new model to add to your ever growing collection. Instead of buying an entirely new cable for each headphone, here at Whiplash Audio we have come up with an option to be able to interchange a section of the cable based on what source connector you need,what wire you choose, how many conductors and what headphones you are using. At any point you buy the latest DAP/source, and/or the latest earphone/headphone, you can buy only the section you need.


Whiplash 在設計這可隨時插拔的耳機線時, 採用 4 PIN 方形平衡頭模組, 堅固耐用, 品質良好的接頭.


Whiplash 模組化耳機線 Modular System 最多可以分成三部分
1. 訊源端 Source connector (可選 3.5mm / 2.5平衡 / 方形平衡)
2. 中間端 Source to Y split
3. 耳機端 Y split to earphone (可選 CM / MMCX / Fitear)



1. 訊源端 Source connector , $3800
2. 中間端 Source to Y split , $109000
3. 耳機端 Y split to earphone , $4800