[新品] Vision-Ears VE5 客製化耳機 : Brilliant vocals



ve-marcelOur custom models are very unique in sound. They are all very different in their sound-character, but they also have something in common (fit together very well). When I developed them, the most important thing I wanted to achieve was to create a product line that contains different models that all have their own characteristic and make sense in the overall product line.


VE 在一年前 2014 推出 旗艦 VE6 Xcontrol , 今年 2015 下探 VE5 五單體的設計 , 對於 VE 老闆來說 , 一系列的產品線都個別有獨特的聲音, 每款耳機都有自己的聲音特色 (應該以個性來形容更恰當), 但同時他們都有著 VE 對於聲音的要求在, 一系列展開是一個完整的產品線.


The new VE5 combines the power and focus of the models VE2 – VE4 with the air and depth of the top-of-the-line model VE6. With crystal clear highs, the precise reproduction of the bass as well as a strong presence in the high mids, the VE5 offers a great clarity and precision in combination with a stunning resolution over the whole frequency range. A slight boost in the high mids results in an outstanding emphasis of the vocals.

全新的 VE5 結合了 VE2 – VE6 的經驗 , 打造出如水晶剔透般的高頻 , 飽滿綿綿的中頻 , 反應快速的低頻 的 VE5 聽感.
VE5 有著良好的全頻段高解析還原度 , 並在設計的時候讓中高頻加強一點, 呈現完美的人聲表現.

The earphone fills the gap between the models VE2 – VE4, which are mainly asked for by musicians and the VE6, which has its major success in the audiophile scene. With its rather special sound signature, the VE5 addresses the „specialists“ among the customers (musicians as well as audiophiles) who are looking for a high clarity and presence in the high mid region rather than for an enormous  low-end. But who also want to make no compromise in resolution and detail.

–    powerful presence in the high-mids gives a great vocal-reproduction
–    crystal-clear, airy highs result in a stunningly open sound
–    outstanding clarity and precision in combination with great resolution over the whole frequency-range

這款 VE5 的推出 , 填滿 VE 產品線 , VE5 有著自己的特色 , 是一款 音樂表演者 & 音樂愛好者 都適合的耳機 , 提供給聽者 高保真的中高頻表現 ,  捨去過多肥厚的低頻, 專注於人聲表現與對於細節的毫不妥協.

VE5 開箱文分享 – When In Manila
VE5 評測分享 – headfonia.com
VE5 開箱分享 – VE5 with TWau &ak120titan

試聽心得分享 VE5 – 人聲柔順靠前 , 低頻量感適中且收放迅速 , 解析力優異 , 不會過份突出樂器的聲音 , 音場寬廣 , 樂器定位清楚而不過分強調 , 高頻延伸自然而不刮耳. 整體來說是相當耐聽的聲音





